50th Annual – Local 1103 Scholarship Award
We are proud to announce the opening of our 50th Annual Local 1103 Scholarship Program. Since its inception in 1973 the local has awarded cash grants to the sons and daughters of Local 1103 Members in good standing to help enable the continuance of their education. The eight scholarships are as follows:
E. Gerald Horgan Memorial Scholarship $2000
Honoring the memory of our late Brother and Chief Steward Edward “Gerry” Horgan who made the supreme sacrifice on the picket line fighting for us
Daniel L. Keenan Memorial Scholarship $2000
Respecting the memory of our late President, who served in that office from 1964 to 1979
CWA 1103 Memorial Scholarship $1500
In remembrance and in honor of active CWA 1103 members who have passed away during the current year
Howard T. Miles Memorial Scholarship $1500
In tribute to our late Brother who helped found the Local 1103 Substance Abuse Committee
Local 1103 Executive Board Scholarship $1000
Two additional $1000 scholarships authorized by the members of your Executive Board
Thomas J. Wonsor Memorial Scholarships $500
Two $500 awards are presented by the Local in memory of the 1103 Life Members Club first President Tom Wonsor.
These grants are intended to give students who are proceeding to an institution of higher academic or professional training. There are no restrictions upon expenditure. The money may be applied towards tuition, books, clothing, or whatever else best helps the student to embark upon his/her academic new life.
Children of Members in good standing either active, retired or deceased may enter the drawings, provided they fill the following requirements: All high school seniors that will be graduating this year and attending an institution of higher academic or professional training in 2023. If your son or daughter is a 1st, 2nd or 3rd year college student and is applying for one of the Scholarship Awards a transcript of last semester’s grades must be attached to confirm eligibility. Previous winners of a grant are not eligible for future awards. If an applicant has two parents that are members of CWA 1103 and are in good standing an application from both parents will be allow; however, the applicant can win only one grant.
Complete and return the Scholarship application below to Local 1103 Headquarters on or before July 31, 2023
The eight winners will be determined by random drawing on September 2023. We wish you good luck in the drawing and hope you all do well in your scholastic endeavors.
Download PDF for applicaiton